Wednesday, September 28, 2022

The Right to an Abortion

I don’t recall which Republican talking heads (many) have argued that the right to an abortion is not mentioned in the Constitution.  It seems like a compelling argument, but it is really a very poor argument against the right to an abortion, and here is why.

The U.S. Constitution consists of two main parts, plus the accumulated decisions of the Supreme Court.  The first part is the Constitution proper, and the second part is the 27 amendments to the Constitution proper.

Monday, September 26, 2022

The Next Steps in Private Transportation

So, here is an idea, or two, about private automobile transportation.

First idea: EVs – or electric vehicles, or Tesla’s and their competition – still depend mostly on fossil fuel energy (petrol, natural gas, coal, ethanol) to fuel their electric batteries.  So, why not solar powered automobiles?  With much smaller batteries for driving in sun-less conditions.  Another advantage would be far fewer charging stations.  Today’s EV charging stations are partially funded by the government; those who do not drive EVs pay for them.  We have solar electricity for our homes, solar powered automobiles are not far behind.