Sunday, January 6, 2019

A Black and White Fantasy

A medium-large plantation somewhere in South Carolina, 1850 

Sorry, I couldn't find an image of a white master speaking to his black chattel
“Colonel” Phineas Beauregard: Listen up, you darkies. You men and women are my slaves, I own you. But one hour after I have my say and you have all your questions answered, you will all be FREE men and women, free to leave or free to stay, but free! And I will give you all papers stating that once you were my slave but now you are free.

But consider, what may happen should you decide to leave. My neighbors are not as liberal-minded as I am, they may not take to you walking another inch Northward, free men or slave, you will likely as not be hung from a juniper tree until you are dead, or you will be captured as slaves for some other master’s use. Just consider that.