Tuesday, November 19, 2024

The Problems with 21st Century American Democracy

There are two, only two, major problems with 21st century American democracy.  The first is the abject ignorance of the average American voter, and the second is the influence of corporate and big donor money, on elections and - even more importantly - on legislation.  The first reason is supreme, however, because if the people were not so ignorant, they would take care of the second problem in a New York minute.  Proof of the public's ignorance is blaming President Biden and Democrats for problems, many of which are only matters of perception, for legislation that is driven by Big Money, and then installing a piece of New York City tra$h, and his craven loyalists, to fix it.   I would write a proof of what I just wrote if I thought that any of my readers needed any proof; they don't.

Sunday, November 17, 2024

What Went Wrong?

For starters, we need to agree that Democrats can’t blame the winners for winning.  Trump, his advisers and his MAGA voters got what they wanted.  Democrats can’t fault them for Democratic failures.  Then, the only reason to ask this question is: Democrats don’t want to repeat the mistakes that caused them to lose this time.

The most obvious and agreed upon reasons why Harris lost are: a) she only had a few months to campaign, b) Biden was a very unpopular president (history will judge him very kindly, the American people – polls – not so much), c) Harris was

Sunday, November 10, 2024

The Morning After

I left my Watch Party at 9:30pm, it felt too much like 2016 over again.  And I don’t like to cry in public (fact is, I don’t cry, I get angry at my own team’s fecklessness).

John F Kennedy took responsibility for the Bay of Pigs fiasco, lo these many decades.  Since then, what person in the public eye, especially among politicians, has taken responsibility for any screw-up?  You have a week to come up with one name!

Friday, October 4, 2024

Silence Ain't Always Golden

For years, decades even, I thought that silence in any relationship, close or distant, didn't communicate, or communicated poorly.  I have changed my mind.  Silence does communicate, as loud as thunder.  It just doesn't communicate what I (or you) wanted to hear.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

An Israeli Perspective

Americans have no problem offering their opinions when they have no facts.  Antisemitism is a perfect case in point.  Antisemitism is so old there must be some truth to it.  There are so few Jews and they don't fight back.  Worst case scenario, you say something and he takes offense and you didn't even know he was Jewish.  Good people everywhere hurled the charge of "war crimes" at the state of Israel before she even declared statehood.

The following is a response to a careless young man who didn't know what he was talking about.  One wonders just how long we must wait for young men to grow up and take responsibility for the words they speak.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

End Notes from Stop the Steal

Ben's 2nd book, Stop the Steal, is only available in paperback.  Which makes viewing the sources noted in the End Notes a bit of a problem to find.  So, here, the solution.

1 Mr. Conservative Republican himself, Senator Barry Goldwater of Arizona, warned his party against this unholy alliance with these Christians and their leader, https://angelolopez.wordpress.com/2020/05/21/barry-goldwaters-Vight-against-jerry-falwell-and-themoral-majority/

Sunday, August 18, 2024

The Price of Protest: An Open Letter to America’s Children

The following words were inspired by the anti-Zionist protests in “elite colleges and universities” across the United States which in turn were inspired by Hamas declaring war on Israel.  Full disclosure: the author of this piece is a Zionist, someone who affirms that the Jewish state of Israel has the right to exist, even if that right is based solely on the spoils of war.  I also declare that I, like so many Israelis, want Benjamin Netanyahu gone.  I further declare that anti-Zionism is 100% antisemitism, that it is 100% Jew hatred, both of which sentiments are quite legal in these United States, as sentiments.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024